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Headline: Opinion: Tax ghost houses and pour the money back into affordable housing

In total 229 comments were made and 3145 votes were cast. So what is the crowd saying?

Comment TotalPositiveNegativeName
Tax, Tax, Tax.32419Tom Ranger
Maybe not taxed, but FORCED by council fines (a good sized fine) to keep them in 100% tip top shape on the outside for the neighbors, no boarded up windows, overgrown ivory, unkempt lawns, general messiness20255HardWired
I must be doing something wrong as I am forced to pay a lot of property tax on my house every year to the local council.

It works out at 1/2% every year. Year after year, just for the privilege of owning it.
I would never own another rental as all the tenants I had in mine left my houses in a mess , including rent in arrears . when it went to the tribunal to evict them , they were infavour of the tenant staying because they had children. That cost me thousands of $s in loss of rent and repairs . Until tenants can look after the homes they rent there will always be a shortage of good rentals. 19234Pipipipi
So what next!? You buy an electric car but park it up and only use your petrol car. Forced to pay extra road tax because you were a naughty polluter! Probably not the best example but i hope it makes a point! Since when should any Govt in a democratic liberal country dictate what you do with your possessions. Forcing someone to rent their home and penalising them for not is heading toward significant State intrusion!!!185537Morse54
Everyone has heard the stories about the P houses and the tenants from hell, and its not just in the dodgy part of town. One possible solution is to put in place a tenant rating system similar to the credit rating systems used by banks and finance companies. It could make it a bit tougher for first time tenants but if it helped free up 30,000+ homes it would be worth a shot. It could also improve the life of people living in apartments as you only need one bad egg to bring the whole place down.
I think it is a shame that so many houses are left unused. But does it not tell you something that it makes better financial sense to leave a house empty rather than making a rental property? the value of the property reduces significantly once it has been rented out for few years. So only rundown properties (that are poorly maintained, cold and damp) have net positive returns. This is due to risk of bad tenants. They simply destroy the place and to actually restore the place to its previous status you need to spend money greater that all the rentals you have collected from the tenants. 
There is a need to create a system where good/reliable and responsible tenants are accredited and guaranteed so that they can get reasonable rent and not punished for irresponsible and destructive tenants. That can be either a tenancy insurance system or a government guarantee. It is a shame that an A+ tenant should suffer because of F grade tenants. An accreditation/insurance tenant system will streamline rental decisions, removes landlord biases (in absence of a reliable rating people may use poor proxies such as ethnicity to determine tenants suitability) and provides a basis to match risks and rewards on renting out a property (at present you fix the return without having any reliable assessment of the risk). This also reduces the relationship hassles. 

There is enough taxs not enough accountability for government spending!172710Zipitsweetie
Why rent it out with the risk that it could have Meth smoked in it, and then its a write off, while the tenants just walk away.16226By Stander
They own them they can do what they like.162812Shane Bolger
Lets go the whole communist way shall we comrades? If you own more than one house, then all the others are forfeited to the state to give to others without housing. More than one storey to your house. Sorry, one storey is enough. Forfeit the other levels to homeless comrades. Thats what happened in China. Encroaching on private property rights is just one thin edge of the edge.

This issue is easily solved. The government can rent these houses as long as it maintains them, and guarantees the rent and the property. People who damage publically managed housing get put into converted containers that they cant trash with prison type metal bathrooms. If you can prove you can look after property you get rewarded by an upgrade to your living conditions. People need incentives. If these measures were in place the housing problem would vanish.
They paid for it, they pay rates etc, its theirs to do what they wish. What sort of country are we turning into when people are told to rent their house out or be taxed. That house in Stanley Point would be rented out at 2 to 3k cant see many affording that.16226Sp160
Let me guess, you voted for the greens, people with larger homes have already paid more. More for the land, more for the development, more for the rates, more for the insurance, more for the council consents and more tax because they earn enough to achieve this for themselves, yeah right FATS!16215Zipitsweetie
Wow so Gareth Morgan who thinks he is the champion of the people doesnt like  the people enough to let them rent his houses.
What a guy and the sooner we tax his ilk the better 
I have been trying to let my property today. As new interior and one of the cheapest flats on Trade me. Three appointments  but only one turned up. When asked to fill out the simple application form asking for DOB and existing address they declined to fill it in. Am I to be punished for having an empty property when there are needy people looking for accommodation.  They let slip they were living in a caravan, girl 9 months pregnant and wanting a house (not flat) of their own.15183PropertyLeader
I dont own a ghost house, nor do I live in my car. But I strongly oppose taxing vacant housing because, what other people want to spend their money on is their business. Would you want to place a tax on an artwork or classic car or perhaps a diamond necklace if you could afford to buy any of them as an investment.15150rogerdog
So, for example, there appears to be a ghost house near to my mother on the North Shore. Market value would be around $1.5M

Lets say that I own it, and I take your advice to sell it. 

Which of the people living in cars or first-home buyers would be able to purchase it? Or are you saying I should sell it for well below market value? Maybe take a loss on it? 
153419Andrew Randrew
Tax Share profits that are taxable capital gains ! Gareth did not pay any Tax on the huge capital gain when he sold Trademe.15161Top Accountant
Why are you looking for more things to tax. Are you all bonkers or are you just wanting to see if people out there can pay more tax to boost the pool. With road tax, GST, Lotto, income tax, speeding and legal fines, petrol tax, dont you think the government have there hands on enough of yours and other money that they earn. Wake up please and understand, what you are actually doing and saying when you debate new taxes.

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