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The Antidote to everything


on 2018-04-16 12:08:08

updated 2018-04-16 12:08:08


Herein lie the tools required to heal the world.

1. Eat a plant based diet and become completely congruent with your moral values to not harm others.(e.g.
2. Understand the wisdom of the crowd (
3.  Use a voting system to include as many people from the crowd as possible for maximum wisdom and democracy.(e.g.
4. Apply this wisdom of the crowd to the NZ budget (
5. Build a new world based on sovereign beings not corporations. (e.g.

The Wisdom and Intelligence of Crowds


on 2018-05-29 09:20:16

updated 2018-05-29 09:20:16


There is real potential in a diverse crowd to give really accurate solutions, but how do we focus the crowds attention?

Our wisdom of the crowds project can be simply defined as being, "The potential of Crowd intelligence is vastly underutilized in our democratic system". One could argue to be truly democratic we should be harnessing the crowd intelligence or at least consulting this crowd for all major and important decisions. Using a system like the one built here demonstrates we don't need to spend tens of millions on referendums to get a democratic answer to the common problems we face. Further reading:
Independent Individuals and Wise Crowds talk by James Surowieki

Food supply and distribution


on 2018-05-29 20:51:18

updated 2018-05-29 20:51:18


Our current model is based on the demand and supply model. We think it should be based on the mental and phsyical wellbeing model.

The Antidote food platform focuses on creating plant based whole foods recipes. Not only can this benefit everyone on a physical health level, but also on the mental health side, of course plant based is also well know to have a much lower carbon footprint. It is really a win, win, win for humans and animals alike.

To measure nutrition we use some of the "100 Healthiest foods model from the George Mateljan Foundation" and the "ANDI (Aggregated Nutrient Density Index) scale," nutrition is calculated on a per food item, recipe and meal basis and recorded for each interaction.

Over time eating patterns result in nutrient profiles, this information can be used to ascertain whether certain nutrient deficiencies are occuring.  It is designed as a DIY system where end users can easily view what nutrients they are missing in their diet.

Plant based is important for many reasons, perhaps of utmost importance really should be from the moral considerations of Animal Welfare. I am yet to meet a person who genuinely wishes for any animal to suffer, so logically it should be safe to assume that given the choice, that if possible we would choose plant based.

According to the movie Game Changers, Plant based is the optimal fuel, results in increased blood flow, increased muscle efficiency, and reduced inflammation. 

There was some controversy as to the validity of the claims in the movie. However on a Joe Rogan Podcast these were clearly refuted by James Wilks the Movies Producer.

Antidote is a free open source tool designed to change the world to be a better place.

Antidote Direct Democracy Governance System.


on 2018-06-15 23:18:32

updated 2018-06-15 23:18:32


The Antidote Direct Democracy Governance System is an IT platform that is specifically designed for Governance of a small nation the size of NZ with scope to be able to run any nation state in the world.

Based around the needs of the Individual and spreading out to include family, friends and the wider community the system is designed from the ground up to serve the people. A Person is registered once only ever in the system, they have a key that they choose much like banking to access their relationship with the governance system. Based around food as nutrition for the body and education as food for the mind principles, the governance system would effectively be built by the people for the people using the voting platform.

Vote Now NZ.


on 2020-07-15 00:00:00

updated 2020-07-15 00:00:00


Designed from the ground up to be scalable from 10 to 10,000,000,000, our goal is to help people find consensus.

In a day and age of block-chain technology, there really is no excuse left to not be able to vote electronically real time as we do when we use facebook or google. When was the last time your google or fb account was hacked? These things can happen, however we do have the technology to prevent this and to have a real time direct democracy system. is written to be the proof of this claim. Vote Now Could be thought of as "Antidote Direct Governance System V2", How can you get the thousands of people needed to take on something like the New Zealand Budget in it's entirety? Build a voting system for everyday kiwis, asking everyday questions. Make sure it can be trusted. So make sure the code is open source and can be viewed by all. Allow everyday kiwis to set up a server and be part of the block chain voting system. The software solution should be ultimately written by the people to serve the people.

Green Faries United New Zealand


on 2020-11-09 20:07:31

updated 2020-11-09 20:07:31


Green faires make medicene from cannabis.

While cannabis medicine is legal, its only from one source which is too expensive and relatively ineffective, so of course there is a booming market with a legal dilemma.  Sue Gray New Zealand's top cannabis lawyer, Rose Renton and Micheal & Samantha Mayell, Vanessa Ingram and Marianne Matai are all part of the team that is working on the system to that aims to "Put Green Fairies where they rightly belong, which is more like centre stage rather than in the shadows or even worse a cell".