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Headline: What is Winston Peters up to in refugee spat?

In total 606 comments were made and 32681 votes were cast. So what is the crowd saying?

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Peters is 100% right on this, that charity begins at home. Once we get on top of our domestic issues then look to help. Unlike the loony greens who want it to be 6000 a year, just ludicrous.....26628014macka_nz
A pattern is emerging... Cindy announces incomplete and ill thought through policy. Peters stamps on it.22124322Kaimahi Waimori
on this rare occasion I agree with Winnie 20221311Gwin
30 years ago i was brought up by my single mum who struggled to feed us and home us. Just like today people are still struggling. Stop blaming the previous government and you yourself get out there and help the people who want to be helped2012087builderboy
I am more left than right leaning but in this case I disagree strongly with our prime minister.  We need to look after our people first before we can help others.  If of say 1,500 refugees 300 are mums and dads and the rest children then we would need at least 300 houses/flats each year and that whilst we have a housing crises.  Mental health services are incredibly stretched right now and refugees will need support. So, give it a rest Labour/Greens till we have sorted out our mess. I totally agree with Winston on this issue. No time for grandstanding at present and trying to look good in the  eyes of others.1821919brutustheduck
Ardern was going there to make another plea for the refugees and a photo op. But her narrative was shut down by Winston, the wily old fox. She came out all unicorns and rainbows, with another obfuscation and a beautiful smile - nothing to see here.  - Shes a great actress I ll give her that. Wait til she gets home, the media and her party will want an explanation for throwing Lees Galloway under the bus. Seems everyone agrees with Winston, and this will be good for his ratings.

Gemma Lynch could barely hide her disgust on Newshub tonight. No big refugees announcement and photo opp. Never mind, we have enough of our own needy people to look after. Charity begins at home.
Well done Winston representing what the majority of New Zealanders want1. we have a housing crisis we dont have any where for them to live 2. We have our own homeless issues to fix 3. We dont know who we are letting in we dont want to live in constant fear of a terrorist attack like Europe and Australia I have just got back from Italy they have the army deployed in the streets of Rome. 1401488lockdown
Ridiculous analogy 13514611CarrieHarrie
Wow, that is an excellent tying together of two irrelevant observations. If refugees are so in need and if we were willing to take them, then tokoroa where there is housing, would be fine no? Or do you think refugees should be given an affordable house on the tax payer in the middle of auckland too?1341406Larry for Logic
Oh yes. He likes playing PM And she is his lap dog. She cant go against him or nothing happens in Parliament. Shes PM in name only. 13014717NewView
For once he has got it right. Send them back to where they came from - Problem solved1281357Titbit
Jacinda stuffs it up again!12814012Fanny Wild
Winston is running the show and just reminding Jacinda of it!12513510bestjob
Ardhern is risking putting the whole nz oz freedom of movement deal at risk. These people are not our problem They want to live in Australia and as such nz cannot be the gateway to that. Leave it to Australia to sort out !12313512Spindoctor
I have to agree with Winston Peters, we need to take care of our own back yard before helping others.. we are going down so fast, that we have homeless, we have people starving, how can we help others when we are in the same state as those coming into the country.  Why should those from other countries be getting better treated (housed, clothed, and fed) when we need to do that to those in our own country that are in suffering, needing housing, clothed and feeding.  You cant pull others up when you are down the bottom.1221275thehillz
Well a lot of Labours policy is complete BS... and not thought through. Peters for all his negatives is still experienced enough to see through dumb stuff.12013313Cannons Creek
Look at the upvotes vs downvotes will be a hint.1141217Rhythm and Vines
Its misleading to say that Australia has locked these people up. They are free to return to Iraq or Afghanistan and refuse to do so hoping instead to be allowed entry to Australia. Australia allowed thousands in illegally a few years ago, it started accelerating and hundreds drowned at sea. What was about to become a tsunami of illegal migrants was stopped by ensuring no illegal migrants made it to Australia. The countries offering these people a new place to live should be those countries in the middle east and asia where they originate. 1141206Fiordland
hey Tracy. read the comments on Stuff and look at the overwhelming majority who are against taking in these economic migrant queue jumpers.thats why Winston has done this. he has also done this for his voters who wont vote NZ First again.maybe you should ask how Labour twice now have not lined their coalition before making announcements. but you wont. 1091112roswellnewmexico

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