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Headline: Tinker Bell's wings clipped by Air New Zealand

In total 560 comments were made and 29243 votes were cast. So what is the crowd saying?

Comment TotalPositiveNegativeName
Their company, their rules. End of story4874936vonRichthofen
Fair call by Air NZ as its their image and brand they must uphold, who incidentally havent won best airline of the year for 5 straight years for no reason.
There are other alternatives for Ms Baker such as tattoo removal if she so desired in order to get into this field of work.   
3473525Go Winston
Sorry but certain tattoos are not attractive and can look quite tacky, we all know it, i think its a fair call for Air NZ to make.30831810Juicey
Your choice, your consequence.2902966annettenz
A 46 yo with a millennials sense of entitlement...If you dont meet the clearly stated prerequisite and got rejected, go straight to social media. And complete the self blacklisting process. 28730215Olinz
Fair enough AirNZ,your company,your rules and she knew it2472569Kaiparagirl
Im so sick of companies sticking to their well established and widely known rules for dress and appearance!  They should change their policies to include me, even though I knew their rules when I applied.23624711SteveDiggs
Discrimination used to be called Employer exercising their legal right....
Bleating to the newspaper used to be a called 15 minutes of fame.
Take a concrete pill and harden up lady. The airline are well within its rights not to hire you.21923011in2it
Thems the rules so unsure why theres an issue or, sorry Stuff, whys there a story here.2172203fyrephil
Fair enough for Air NZ.  Im not sure I would appreciate airline staff with visible tattoos.  I dont always appreciate wait staff at cafes who are showing visible tattoos but at least at cafes I get a choice about going there.  We dont always have a choice about who we fly with. 21622913Thinking Age Man
So well said! 2102144Tag96
Im mystified why people disfigure their bodies with any of these visible mutilations.
Air NZ have a strict corporate policy regarding tattoos and this woman elicits no sympathy from me.
Well done Air NZ.2072125By Stander
Discrimination by an employer? I will tell you a real one. When my friend applied with her real name, an Asian one, she got the âsorry your application was unsuccessful❠reply, despite the fact she ticked all the boxes. Intrigued, she literally just changed the name in the coverletter and CV (kept everything else exactly the same including the font) and she was invited to the job interview. Stuff should stop publishing these sob stories insulting others who were genuinely discriminated. Its really unfair for the affected businesses. Also, what is she expecting? AirNZ to change their longstanding rule (I dont even work in that industry and even I knew that any visible tattoos were not allowed) and respond with âoh sorry, we will hire you as a gesture of good willâ? 2062159Jim4119
tats, look so tatty. Good on you Air New Zealand for having standards. 19822123Marie Wilson
fully back air NZ on this one. rules are rules 19420410Petersburg
I cant help thinking that there will be a lot of people with tattoos that will be very sorry when they get older and regret disfiguring their bodies .Ref this lady , what is the point of having a tattoo on her back that most people including herself will never see ?19221725Jockmac
Hey people; stop complaining when other people and business dont share your views. The same right you claim to get tattoos etc is the same right that gives them the freedom to say no. If you dont like their policies dont work for them simple as that.1911932Only in NZ

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